The arrival of spring brings with it welcomed feelings of rejuvenation and renewal. We hope you are looking forward to the warmer weather and getting a spring in your step along the way.

In this edition:

  • Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor of York University and Doug Farley, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager, Guardian Capital Advisors, discuss higher education and philanthropy’s role in addressing the current gaps in Canada’s health care system.
  • Mark Blumberg and Maddy Sawyer from Bloombergs Professional Corporation highlight important changes to charity regulations, including a new anti-avoidance rule that will significantly impact many foundations.
  • Cherie Payne and Maria Turnbull discuss how Vantage Point moved away from the traditional concept of volunteerism to “Knowledge Philanthropy” and how this shift can help transform non-profit organizations.

While we long for the sunnier days ahead, we recognize that charities have many things to consider between the changing regulatory environment and the continued economic uncertainty as they move their missions forward.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your investment portfolio, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

We hope you enjoy this issue of Amplify.