On April 22 (Earth Day), our parent company, Guardian Capital Group Limited (Guardian), was proud to announce it had joined The Pond Foundation as a founding member. The Pond Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the way the world acts on climate change. Over the last several months, Guardian has worked with The Pond Foundation to calculate and document our firm-wide annual carbon emissions and have committed to become carbon neutral effective this calendar year. Achieving carbon neutrality will come through a combined effort to introduce initiatives that can systematically reduce our annual emissions, while our membership with The Pond Foundation will allow us to make impact investments in projects that effectively remove carbon from the atmosphere. You can learn about the first four impact investments we have chosen to partner with Pond Foundation on in the full press release here.
While this partnership is certainly a major milestone for our firm, Guardian is also looking at implementing the full My Carbon Zero framework (The Pond Foundation’s signature climate action program), and expects to have more to announce in the coming months.
Our approach to authoring our own unique climate action program is in keeping with our mission of Enriching Lives Together. We hope to create a path to inspire others, including clients, industry peers and colleagues, to join on their own My Carbon Zero journey.
We hope you enjoy this edition of Amplify.